Thursday 18 August 2016

Happiness-A mere kite Flying..!

When I was a babe of merely one…I would laugh when somebody smiled, giggle when my dad tickled me. I would cry when  my mum didn't feed me, or if someday tried snatching away the stuff I so wanted. Happiness didn't mean more than the company of a few 'so wanted' people around. When I stepped into my school and befriended a few humans like me  ,the dimensions of the cubicle of happiness expanded. From a mere lust for a similar school bag as my classmates carried, I wanted my parents to drop me to my class, daily in the similar fashion ,as that of the other girl's did. Slowly and gradually, my definition of happiness  hopped from owning a specific model of a car to submerging into a complete beau monde lifestyle. And little  was I aware, that the more I allowed the materialistic wolf inside, shallower  did my  thoughts get towards the real happiness ,which rested nowhere, but inside.

 The little things which we take for granted , or fail to notice, because of our long -fed habit of ignorance, are the real bundles of joy. This morning, while returning from a walk, I came across this child, who had barely completed the two years of life. Dust fed, shabby haired, barely clothed yet fortunate enough  to have all the reasons to smile, as he waived his kite, while posing for this picture.:) Happier,though a little shy, he stood  while his eyes gazed the kite meandering through the sky.